One of Alan’s aims was
to try to motivate students and instill a passion for computing so that they would choose GCSE computing as an
option subject. An example of his success is the running of Dojo’s where
students come and code and learn about computing in a Friday after-school club.
He also decided to take his students to a bar camp, inspired by a father who
controversially brought his son to a bar camp. At the hack to the future event
in Preston, 360 people attended. A mixture of teachers parents and students
attended, all keen to learn about computing! It was a real sight to behold.
He has also
collaborated with Freaky Cloud and taught students how to hack. He claims not
to have done any teaching himself at the “Hack to the future event”. Instead
partner organisations such as Mozilla were at hand to run sessions, similar to
those run at Mozilla hackspace. Enthusiastic as ever, he reinforces Peter Twining’s message (refer to
earlier post) that we should not wait. Do not wait for Gove. Make stuff happen
and things will happen to you.
Raspberry Jam
After much hype behind the Raspberry Pi He decided to create an event called Raspberry Jam The idea is similar to a musical jam where people who have instruments bring their own and people who don’t have instruments come along to watch/listen or play all the same. Raspberry Jam is an implementation of a CAS hub. The requirements are simple. All you need is:
-1 classroom
-Willing participants
He started with a
small project which he knew would not fail. In fact it was his daughter’s
project. @Rosie_Pi was a big fan of
hammer beads. She had made video games characters before and so she taught a
sessions which introduced the idea of pixels and all attendees in effect
created pixel art. Some reproduced Mario characters, others consoles such as
the iconic Nintendo Gameboy. He urged us all to do the same, to run an event-
Start small, start simple. All we need to do is start something:

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